Sunday, May 1, 2011

This past week has been very trying. However, what doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger; right? I traveled this week. Not only did the "6 hour flight" take 22 hours on Monday, but then I spent the week on west coast time which really messed with my biorhythm. Knowing last week was the last of my traveling streak made it a little easier to handle, but the travel surely contributed to my already elevated stress level. I have been so anxious thinking about all of the major life changes that are upon me. Nevertheless, I somehow continue to function. Going forward, I hope that my travels can be planned further in advance with at least short breaks in between.
Oh how I need a break from everything. For the last three weeks I have been in every time zone at least once, slept in my own bed once, and spent more than 15 hours in airports delayed.
You may think I do it to myself, and a part of me agrees with you. Once upon a time, my job description stated that travel would only encompass 10% of my job. Unfortunately for me, I have taken on challenges and exceeded my own expectations, as well as my company’s, so I take on more and more responsibility and travel every day.

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