Yes, that "s" needs capitalized. My interview was moved from Friday to Monday since my flight wouldn't get me in in time on Friday morning. Yesterday, I went knowing I would be meeting with a few individuals but did not anticipate meeting with four Directors and two Senior VPs. I began my interviews at 10am, and finished around 5; it was a loooonnnnnggggg azz day. By the end, my mind just couldn't process the questions being asked and my cheeks hurt from smiling.
I feel like it went pretty well, but wish I would have prepared myself with different scenarios of achievements, hurdles etc. I ended up using a lot of the same instances with each interviewer.
Please say a prayer if you can. I need this job to get my life and family back on track.
Wishing you lots of luck! I hope you hear back from them soon (with good news of course)!