Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Back Story

In my months of lurking and posting on GP, I have come to know so many women. Some who’s TTC journey have been several years, and some whose journey lasted merely one month. No one ever wants to believe that they could be in the minority group labeled “infertile”, but I have found that more women are there than I realized.

My husband, Mr.A, and I have been married for two and a half years. We have moved several times since we married and are finally falling into our niches in our professions, bought our first home, have student loans paid off, and plan to start a family. In actuality, all of those things have been in place and we have been planning on starting a family for quite some time; it just hasn't happened yet.

I stopped taking hormonal BCP in August of 2009, and thanks to the recommendations from GP, read “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” and began charting to avoid. We planned to TTA until October 2010 so that we would have all of our finances in order. But things in life never go quite as planned. My grandmother, who had been pushing us to have children, had a debilitating stroke just after New Year’s this year and passed away a couple of days later. Mr. A and I did a lot of soul searching and realized that life was too short to wait for the perfect time. We had plenty of savings and all of our debt had been paid off; what were we waiting for.

We changed our official “TTC” status to “Not Not Trying”; you know that weird in-between time where you aren’t timing intercourse, but you aren’t protecting yourself either. After months of carefree BDing, we started to really TTC in April. Today, after nearly 12 months without any protection, and 8 months of well timed intercourse, Mr.A and I are on the brink of being considered the forbidden “I” word; infertile. At my annual appointment this year, my [4.5 months pregnant OB/GYN] kindly and gently told me that if it doesn’t happen in the next couple of months that we are technically considered infertile and that she would like to start the testing that we need to find out where our problems lie.

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