I have been so happy and thankful throughout my pregnancy.
People have asked me every day how I am, and I always replied “great!”, because I truly had no complaints. I’ve experienced only the slight discomfort of heartburn, and occasionally some nausea during the first trimester, but otherwise, I have been great. Truly.
That is until I hit the third trimester, and I hit the metaphorical wall. Starting around week 28, I began having this annoying popping sensation just to the right of my sternum whenever I would shift positions or stand up. I asked my doctor about it at my last appointment, and he said that it was my ribs separating to make room for my organs that are being smashed upwards by growing baby girl. He said that it could get painful, but that it was normal.
The next week was excruciating. My ribs were dislocating from my cartilage in front and in back making it impossible to sit for more than 20 minutes at a time, hard to sleep, and unbearable to stand for more than 10 minutes.
During the peak of this pain, Mr.A and I made the 8.5 hour trek driving home for my wonderful baby shower. We made it up there and I worked as much as I could to help my mom with food preparations, but was nearly useless in my pained state. After a short weekend with family and friends, we made our way back home.
Thankfully, the pain subsided for a couple of days and I hoped and prayed that I was through the worst of it. Unfortunately, it came back full force concentrated mostly in my sternum and upper back. Oh, and that slightly annoying popping from a week and a half before, had turned into full on tearing.
Every time I sit from laying, stand from sitting, or move or shift in any way, I feel an excruciating tearing pain in my upper abdomen. There have been several times where I have shifted in my sleep and have woke up screaming in pain. It is obviously affecting my sleep and overall productivity not to mention my work.
Baby girl is active as ever, so I am reassured that she is safe and sound, I am just concerned that this isn’t normal. If it is normal, I am not sure that I will be able to work up until my due date like I had originally hoped. After sitting for 10-20 minutes, I have to get up and move around. I wish so badly that I had a cot in my office and could just lie down to decompress my spine occasionally.
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