Thursday, September 20, 2012

Commence Third Trimester: 27 weeks

I had my 27w appointment yesterday with my OB practice. I did the GTT (1 hour) for the third time and really hope I pass. The thought of sitting here for the 3 hour is not appealing with how busy work has been as of late.

I am up 2 pounds from 4 weeks ago, which brings  me to a total weight gain of 18 pounds at 27 weeks. I am very happy with this and right on track.

With my swollen ankles I was a little worried about my BP, but BP was 110 over 60. This is back into my normal (low) range.

I tried my doppler last week when I was concerned because I had felt almost no movement throughout the day one day. I had a very difficult time finding her heartbeat because she was moving constantly. The movement was reassurance by itself, so it did put me at ease, though I was only able to find her heartbeat for a couple of seconds at a time here and there. I mentioned this to the doctor, and he was disappointed that I didn't call. He said they would have had me come in immediately for monitoring. Thankfully she had likely just switched positions and/or was tired that day and now everything is good. I know in case it happens again.

Thankfully he is a pro with the doppler and found her beating heart right away. BBs heart rate was around 150bpm and she was squirming around the whole time thanks to the high-glucose fruit drink. My belly is measuring at 30 weeks so still a little ahead, but good nonetheless.

I have my final appointment with my MFM on Monday and will get to see little BB once again. If all is well at this appointment, she will be releasing me back to my OB for the duration of my pregnancy and consider me "normal". While being a higher-risk patient thus far has meant more appointments and more doctors, it has really helped give me the reassurance I needed to know little BB was growing happy and healthy. I was fortunate in that my insurance covered a multitude of ultrasounds and follow-ups which has meant that I have many ultrasound pictures of my little girl growing from the blob stages, to the gummy bear stages, all the way through to the "holy-moly, that is a baby" stage.

I am past the terrifying first trimester, past Viability Day and now into the third trimester. I am hoping the duration of my pregnancy remains uneventful and I will have smooth sailing throughout until the day I get to finally meet my baby girl.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it to 3rd tri! Prayers for a healthy last trimester!
