Monday, November 19, 2012

35 Weeks + Growth Scan

On Friday, Mr.A and I went to the OB for my 35w appointment and growth ultrasound. We had not seen baby girl since 28 weeks, so I was excited to be able to see her again.

Goodness how things have changed!

Earlier in the pregnancy, they could just put the wand on my belly and *BAM* there was an entire baby. Now, she is so big, and so crammed that the tech really had to move the wand around to determine which parts were which. She was very fast with her measurements of the head, femur, belly circumference, and fluid levels. So fast in fact, we really didn't get to see much of anything at all and didn't get any pictures.

Baby is measuring around 6.5 pounds (estimated, so give or take a pound), is head down, fluids look good and she is still ninja kicking away.

We then met with the OB that I love to review everything and have my first internal check. She was happy with baby's measurements, and is measuring around 2 weeks ahead which matches my belly measurements.

Then Dr.C did my first internal exam. Before she did, she warned me and said, "Try to relax, it isn't going to be pleasant. It may feel like I am trying to pull your tonsils out." She wasn't kidding. That was not fun at all!

Before telling me anything about my dilation or effacement, she said, "You need to make sure baby's car seat is in the car and your and her hospital bags are packed and ready for D-day".

Cue momentary freakout! It was almost as though she were insinuating that baby was coming very VERY soon.

As it turns out, my internal exam showed that my body is preparing for the "big show". She said that my progress is good and she wouldn't be surprised if baby were here a bit ahead of schedule in 2-3 weeks.

Holy moly, it is really happening. We are going to have a baby!

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