Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bloodwork Follow-up

The doctors' office called yesterday with my blood work results. My HCG levels are around 49,600; which shows pretty good doubling since first being drawn in the beginning of January. Being the overly obsessive person I am, I found an online HCG calculator and plugged in the numbers. Ideally, your HCG levels should double every 48-72 hours; according to my numbers they are doubling every 80 hours. It is a little off, but close enough that I am trying to stay optimistic. The PA said that the number is a solid number for 6w and that she feels it matches what the u/s said. Whether or not that is true, it made me feel a million times better.

The only bad news that came from my blood work was my progesterone levels. At 14DPO (or so I thought...?) it was at 16.1; at my appointment it was 6.7. It has dropped rather significantly. The doctor called in a progesterone supplement that I will need to take for at least the next two months. The funny thing about the supplement; its nothing like I have ever seen or heard of before. She actually called in a formula to a compounding center (that is also a pharmacy) rather than purchasing an off the shelf progesterone pill or suppository. So, I had medication made specifically for me with the traditional mortar and pestle then put into a capsule. My insurance probably won't cover it since it is so odd, but at this point I will do anything necessary to sustain a healthy pregnancy.

I guess my mood has changed from completely having given up, to clinging to a glimmer of hope. If you are religious in any way, please pray for me to have strength. Strength to possibly sustain this pregnancy I have prayed for and/or strength to continue to stay hopeful, or strength to help me get through should the worst happen.

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