Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Roller Coaster

After I spoke with PA on Friday, I had a renewed sense of optimism. Everything really could be alright. Then the progesterone supplement roller coaster began. Over the weekend, I cried, slept, moped, napped, watched TV and worst of all I googled. I have had so many what-if scenarios running through my head over the last few days and I can’t help but think about the worst possibly outcome. Yesterday was a good day; I was so busy at work and it kept my mind preoccupied.
The progesterone makes me a hormonal and sad mess; and my poor husband doesn’t know what to do with me. In two seconds time, I will go from being positive everything is over to being hopeful and looking forward to Wednesday’s ultrasound.
Reasons to be positive:
-There was a fetal pole and a healthy yolk sac last Thursday
-My numbers are still doubling nicely and are high
-I haven’t had any spotting or bleeding
-I have been taking my PNV, DHA and Progesterone every night
-Today, I am pregnant and I love my baby.

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