Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feeling a little Different..

Does this overwhelming fear of losing this baby ever go away?! I went to the OB on Monday for my first blood draw. My hCG level was 85 at 14DPO. According to this is close to the median (101), but I am worried that it is low. I went back for a second draw today, and I hope that they will call early tomorrow with the results; the wait just kills my nerves.

They scheduled my first ultrasound (u/s) and OB appointment for February 3rd when I will be right around 8 weeks. That is 4 weeks from tomorrow which in my mind might as well be an eternity. I am so thankful to be where I am right now; I am just so hopeful and fearful at the same time.

I “feel” at least a little pregnant.
·         My (.)(.)s are sore, actually they are worse today than they have been. [Confession to follow] I usually wear push-up bras all the time, but they are too painful right now so I have reverted back to my more comfy bras.
·         My back is really sore. I don’t know if this is a pregnancy symptom or if I pulled it, but it hurts.
·         I feel some weird twinges in my lower abdomen, sometimes a little crampy, sometimes a little painful (when accompanied by gas) but for the most part just there.
·         I am generally warm. This is only odd because I am always cold. I used to wear my winter jacket throughout the day at work and sometimes would even resort to a blanket. Now, I am comfortable or even warm. They haven’t changed the building temperature, so I think its related.
·         I am constantly thirsty. I am drinking at least 5-6 16oz cups of water and sometimes additional fruit juice throughout the day; and I am still parched.
·          I am always hungry, for reference I will tell you my meals/snacks for today: 6am – fruit and yogurt smoothie; 7:30am – English Muffin with egg white, cheese and turkey sausage; 8am – Clementine orange; 9am – Granola bar; 11am – PB&J sandwich; 1:30pm – green pepper casserole leftovers from last night; 2pm – Clementine orange; 3pm – black berries; 4pm – triscuits and hummus. It’s 4:07pm now and all I can think about is what I am going to eat next. Should I have some homemade cookies? ::goes off to find more food::


  1. I've been having those twinges/cramps too. I'm choosing to take it as a good sign. :) Next Wed can't come soon enough for me!
