Saturday, January 1, 2011

I believe in God's Plan

It finally happened; I am pregnant!! Last night I was craving some bubbly so on a whim I tested (at 11DPO in the afternoon) just to put my conscience to rest; and lo and behold there was a shadow of a second line nearly instantly. I ran to the stairway and yelled to my husband. He stood at the bottom of the stairs; I couldn't even speak. I started crying, and could hardly get the words out that I thought there was a second line. He came up to me and hugged me asking, "that is good right?", clearly confused by my crying. All I could do was nod through the sobs. We went to the restroom and both just stared at the test with the slightest hint of a line. He agreed, he saw it but we decided we wouldn't let ourselves get too excited until we tested in the morning.

5am came very early after all of the NYE fireworks late into the night. I woke up and had to pee so badly. I knew if I peed without testing that it would no longer be FMU, and I knew if I got up and tested I would never go back to sleep. So I laid there, tossing and turning until finally 6am rolled around. I got up, PIAC and dipped my internet cheapie, then went back to my husband's side as we waited the 1-3 minutes. I looked and the line was slightly darker than the day before, but still very faint.

Mrs. FancyCats had mailed me an extra digital test months ago that I had been saving for just this very moment. I considered waiting until tomorrow or the next day, knowing that digitals sometimes cannot pick up the very faint levels before a missed period. However, I gave in. I dipped the digital, then waited by Mr.A's side for the hour glass to stop blinking. I told him at least 3 times that if it said, "not pregnant" it was ok because it was still so early. Honestly, with month after month of BFNs, I was half expecting it to say "not pregnant". But, it said pregnant!

We went out to breakfast and then came back to nap for a couple of hours and enjoy our wonderful New Year's Day together in our own little bliss-bubble. Knowing that miscarriages happen in roughly 1 in 4 pregnancies, I should be more cautiously optimistic, but I know that today I am pregnant and that is all that matters in my mind.

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