Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Equilibrium is Shot!

I’ve noticed over the last few days that my balance, coordination and overall equilibrium are off. I can be sitting completely still on the couch and will feel my body start to sway; nearly to the point where I feel motion sick. It’s odd, but looking up towards the ceiling is the only thing that seems to bring me back to normal. I traveled last week for work; the plane was probably my worst bout of motion sickness yet. I came so close to getting sick, then gave in and took a Dramamine. I started to feel a little better towards the end of the flight, but traveling is not what it used to be.
Riding in the car is yet another feat. My husband is a good driver by most standards, but riding or heck, even driving myself I start to get motion sick. Yesterday, I took the advice of several of the September Moms-to-Be and invested in a pack of Sea Bands. They are these little grey cloth bracelets with a white plastic bead that hits your “acupressure points” on each wrist to help combat motion sickness, nausea and morning sickness. Let me tell you, these little buggers are TIGHT and I consider myself to have pretty small wrists. I wore them throughout the day yesterday and felt generally good. Last night, I placed them in my purse in case of emergency.
This morning, I should have been wearing my Sea Bands when I stopped at the gas station before going in to work. Again, I started having one of my dizzy/off-balance moments, then tripped over the cord for the gas pump and fell flat on my face. Good one. It was one of the weirdest feelings; everything happened in slow motion as I fell first to my knees, then to my hands in front of me, then finally my chin. Lucky for me, the concrete was covered in a thin layer of fresh mud to help break my fall. So now I am sitting here, angry with myself over falling and putting my little sweet-pea sized embryo in harm’s way; already.  At least I am wearing brown pants today.


  1. Glad you're okay! I haven't noticed anything w/ my equilibrium but my balance is horrible to begin with! :P

  2. Wow! I hope I don't get this symptom any time soon. From what I have read, due to our center of gravity changing as the pregnancy progesses, losing balance is a common symptom.

  3. I'm sorry you fell, but I'm glad you're okay. I've noticed that my coordination is off, too. I can't hold on to things to save my life. I swear, if it's in my hand, I might as well just let go because I'm going to drop it anyway.
